About Me

My photo
Syracuse, NY, United States
My name is Sarah. I am a twenty something business student in Central NY. Fashion is my life! I am a makeup fiend and a shopaholic! My dream is to one day open up a boutique type store for all the curvy cuties to shop at because I know how hard it is to find something that looks good and makes you feel good too. Here's a link to my page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CurvyGirlRock?fref=ts

follow me on polyvore--> Sarah Mj Kirst

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Instagram and Life Update!

Hey girlies! (and guys maybe? :p) I know i haven't been on here in months but my life has been so busy lately!

Here's a little update on what's going on.... So I'm still in school, but since it's nearing the end classes are getting harder and homework is coming at me in truck loads. Also, I've started a new job at Lane Bryant.  I'm now an assistant manager there so I've been getting a lot more hours, so the transition has been a little tough.  I love this job though!  It's exactly where I need to be for the time being in the plus size industry!

But anyways, you guys can now follow me on instagram... Here's the link:

As usual! Love all of your support!! XOXO Sarah Mj <3

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