About Me

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Syracuse, NY, United States
My name is Sarah. I am a twenty something business student in Central NY. Fashion is my life! I am a makeup fiend and a shopaholic! My dream is to one day open up a boutique type store for all the curvy cuties to shop at because I know how hard it is to find something that looks good and makes you feel good too. Here's a link to my page on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CurvyGirlRock?fref=ts

follow me on polyvore--> Sarah Mj Kirst

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just a thought...

I saw this picture today and I wanted to share it with everyone. Every girl should feel like this! I know I always look in the mirror and ask people if I look ok, but I'm going to try to live by this from now on. I think everyone else should give it a try too! :)

-Sarah Mj

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Halloween Costume Woes...

    So this weekend I went to a few different Halloween stores trying to find a costume.  I usually have a very hard time trying to find something, but this year was even harder than usual.  I went to 4 different stores and found absolutely nothing that would look good on a curvy body.  One store I went to had a sign that said "Plus Size Costumes" hanging above a fairly large area.  It got me pretty excited of course.  So when I got to that area, there were about 5 different plus size costumes with hardly any size variations.  It was upsetting.  The costumes weren't even that cute!

    Now, I have to find something online, which isn't a problem except I won't have time to return it if it doesn't fit.  It's just so annoying that these companies don't think plus size people want to be able to walk into a store, try on a costume and then buy it.  Aren't we allowed to celebrate Halloween and look cute doing it?

    Well anyways, here are some of my favorite costumes that I was able to find on Spirit's website.  I love the type of costumes that have the corset waists.  They are very flattering and look amazing on everyone!

    Tell me what you gals think!  What costumes are your faves?  What's everyone going as? :)

                                                                                       - Sarah Mj- Curvy Girl Rock

Plus Size Halloween
Plus Size Halloween by sarah-mj-kirst on Polyvore

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